Thursday, February 21, 2008

MySpace Archive: Interlude 3

(Or, Beer, Zombies, and a Paycheck)

In an attempt to beef up this blog's appearance before I actually tell anyone about its existence, and also to relive some of my wacky antics over on MySpace, I am archiving all of my old posts over here at The Slog.

This is technically the end of The Unemployment Saga, but much like Murphy Brown or The Drew Carey Show, there was a long winding down period that was WAAAY to anticlimactic for even my low standards. By this point, I had been getting semi-regular temp work, so I wasn't flipping out every day.

[Originally Posted on Monday, November 06, 2006]

Well, I'm gainfully employed again as of Friday

Hot diggity damn, it looks like I might actually have a chance to lead a normal life again. I start a temp-to-permanent job on Friday for a property management company [A job I still have]. The place looks nice[It's not], the job looks simple[It is], and I look to actually be making enough at it to start saving and stop living paycheck to paycheck [I probably do. Damn this profligacy].

I think this week I'm going to celebrate by not doing a damn thing until Thursday (I'll have a few errands to run by then) [I didn't]. Or, at the very least, drinking beer and watching zombie movies with my dog [I did]. Well, my dog won't be drinking beer. He's not housebroken enough for that [He still isn't]. But he's totally going to have to watch Dawn of the Dead with me (the real one with the SLOW zombies and the dude who gets sliced by the chopper blade) [A scene both awesome and hilarious. Tom Savini is the man]. And maybe, just maybe, I'll actually hang up all the pictures that I keep promising I'll get to when I get a chance [That "chance" occurred roughly two months later. Because I am lazy].


Prescient about my laziness, I see.

Next time: the beginning of My Brush With Death. Plus, GOLDEN GIRLS HOUSE!

1 comment:

  1. This is the weirdest tv show ever—it starts off immediately in reruns. When are the new episodes, dag nabbit?
