Thursday, February 21, 2008

MySpace Archive: Interlude 2

(Or, Passive Aggression or Classic Rock?)

In an attempt to beef up this blog's appearance before I actually tell anyone about its existence, and also to relive some of my wacky antics over on MySpace, I am archiving all of my old posts over here at The Slog.

Man, that interlude was LONGER than I remembered. Days. Days when I wrote about nothing much at all.

I suspect, if I were the psychonalyzing type, that this was meant to let people know that whatever side they took on my then-nasty and still unhealed breakup was entirely their business, and I was done apologizing. But I'm not, so it was probably to talk up my love of London Calling.

[Originally posted on Saturday, November 04, 2006]

Well, life is actually pretty good

For once, I feel like I'm getting back in control. The temping seems to be working out pretty well (worked 4 days last week). I may be starting a 2-month assignment next week for 3.50 an hour more than the shitty job that I had before [Didn't happen, but something better DID]. So they can suck it [That pronoun might be a little unclear. I meant my previous employers. They still can]. Still no permanent job, but if I can hear back from the agency about this assignment, it takes the heat off through January, and I might actually be able to pay some people back AND save a little cash [That sort of happened. But I'm profligate with my money. And my Thesaurus].

I'm certainly not on my feet financially, but I'm actually pretty damn happy with my life. My dog is less of a monster [...grading on a curve, I guess], I'm less hypochondriacal (is that a word? Who cares?) about the weight loss [it isn't a word - and reading that gives me a chuckle, knowing what I know now], I'm caring less and less about the irrational hatred that my ex has for me (I broke her heart, but it really wasn't intentional - if she doesn't want to believe that, I can't change it) [I still feel bad about this, but as I said, I never meant to hurt anyone], and I'm beginning to remember that morbid depression isn't really my forte [pronounced "fort," by the way. You've probably been saying it wrong your whole life. Idiot]. I'll leave that to Cure fans and other people that should know better [Sez the guy who had just dressed up as Morrissey].

Me? I'm better at being mildly annoyed and bitchy about things without taking it so personally.

I think the main thing I need to do is listen to London Calling (not only the Greatest Album Ever Made, but also The Greatest Accomplishment Of the Entire Human Race - and if you disagree, you can go to hell) from front to back without interruption...

If I do that, I think I'll be completely, deliriously happy. Then I can move on to my next mission: deciding whether I ever want to date again. Currently, the answer is "not really, but I suppose I could have a meaningless sexual encounter with a stranger or passing acquaintance."

Well that last idea didn't really pan out.

It almost never does.

Looks like at least one more "Interlude" post before My Brush With Death. Sorry I'm boring.

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