Thursday, April 3, 2008

Two Important Announcements

More on The Goonies soon, but I had to mention these two things:

1. Congratulations Ryan Dempster for being quasi-competent today. I hereby declare a moratorium on mocking you at The Slog, or any other place I frequent, whether it be in the "real world" or in cyberspace, conditional on performance. I will reserve my burning, searing hatred for you until the point that you inevitably botch a start and give up 6 earned runs in the first inning, which I estimate to occur in the next 3 appearances. Enjoy your time off, Demp-truck.

2. Apparently I am number eight on the google hit list when one searches for the term "myspace antisemitism." That's...sobering...


Wolter said...

Hey, I love those MySpace Jews. Almost as much as that hilarious prankster imp, Ryan Dempster...

Alibear said...

I suspect I am the first 7 of those on the google search...oh anti-semitic google searching. I am sooooo on to you!

Cletus Hookworm said...

Yo, Gritsy, any word what's up with IMCT? A hostile takeover by Mensa Steve? Inder not paying the rent?