Thursday, October 30, 2008

Placeholder, vol XXVII

....Overrated, Underrated...

Well, this doesn't really count as "content," per se, but I figured I'd crank out a Slog entry to keep this baby from entering Indefinite Hiatus territory. See you in a few days when I repeat the process.

I just had a thought (probably ripped off from Goldilocks) about the notions of Overrated and Underrated bands. There are always bands that are hyped above and beyond their genuine capacities, and others that are much, much better than they're given credit. I think I officially have the Platonic1 ideal of each measurement.

And, unless you close the window now, you're gonna learn 'em:

Radiohead. If you aren't a fan, you know exactly what I mean. They are a poor man's Wire, if Wire were about 100 times less interesting, and if Wire's lead vocalist was Gollum doing a Tiny Tim impression. If you are a Radiohead fan, repeat after me: "I promise to listen to more Fuguzi."

Fugazi. Yeah, I know. They are generally acclaimed by most critics and about as popular as any independent-label band can ever hope to be. But, honestly, they need more credit. If you aren't a Fugazi fan, you should be. If you are a Fugazi fan, repeat after me: "I promise to listen to more Fuguzi."

So Overrated They're Underrated
The Beatles. C'mon, they're the fucking Beatles. Everyone says they're awesome, so they can't really be, right? Wrong. I used to deny this fact, but I was full of it. If you think the Beatles are overrated, you are just trying to be a provocative ass. And you should probably listen to more Fugazi.

Rated Exactly Right
Led Zeppelin. Everything everyone ever says about them is true. The good. The bad. The sick. The stupid. Even if it contradicts.

Little known Zep fact:2 If Robert Plant and Ian Mackaye ever came into direct contact with each other, Thom Yorke's OTHER eye would go googly.

There. I said it. And I'd say it again.

  1. Plato was a dickhole, by the way.
  2. Little known, but ultimately true.


Gene said...

I agree.

Alibear said...

"So sayeth the ZEN master!" So...who's this Fugazi band you keep hounding me about?