Thursday, November 20, 2008

A quick observation from my sickbed1

So, for the last two days or so, I have had have a pretty bad flu or an incredibly awful, almost biblically epic cold. And I'm taking (among other things) Theraflu2 for it. Since I also have a scratchy throat, it's the Flu + Sore Throat version, which is some sort of spiced apple flavor.

My observation is this: this sore throat version has a narrow margin over the original flavor. The reason being that it does not taste like hot, mediciney lemon juice. Instead, it tastes like THE ABSOLUTE WORST HOT APPLE CIDER YOU'VE EVER HAD.

Goddamn, I hate being sick.

P.S. - If you're stalking me, don't forget to check my "101 things" list periodically. I will be marking them off as I do them. I've been making more homemade soup to combat this vile illness that afflicts me, so I'm down to 99!

  1. I say "sickbed," but that's actually just where I belong. I am actually at work.
  2. Which probably warrants a trademark or restricted symbol, but I'm too spacy to figure out which or remember how to make them.3
  3. I do remember how to make superscripts.


Cletus Hookworm said...

Were you ill before consuming McDonald's foodesque consumables (aka McRib)? Frankly, I can see why your body would say, "Fuck you. Treat me like shit, see if I try to fight off illness. Enjoy the misery." I recommend treating the illness with red wine (not white) or a red or darker ale.

Wolter said...

I would accept your hypothesis if my tract wasn't the only part of me to not feel the wrath...

Cletus Hookworm said...

It's long since mutated into a McRib-like piece of mystery meat and, being basically dead, is immune to disease.

Wolter said...

Well, now that hypothesis I might be able to buy.

For the record, I just gulped down the last of my latest dose of THE ABSOLUTE WORST HOT APPLE CIDER I'VE EVER HAD.

Damn this flu/cold/McRib reaction.